The Church in Hard Places


When I arrived in my current post fourteen years ago, I made a conscious decision I would not spend my time chasing grant applications and running social projects. Rather I perceived my calling was to preach and teach the word of God, and build up the church through faithful, persistent gospel ministry. Whether I have been successful in my aim is not for me to judge.

But I have learnt so much along the way, often through hard experience, and one of the real benefits of this book is that it both confirms and challenges me in my calling. As an inner-city vicar it is often expected that I should be involved more in social action and practical acts of service (which does happen). This book borne of real-life urban ministry confirms what I have long believed to be true that the primary mission of God is to use the local church to preach the good news, and that doctrine matters for salvation, sanctification and evangelism.

It also confirms what I have long suspected that to be truly effective we need to learn to be part of the local culture, and speak in a way that others can truly understand. So many of our models of church, and so many ways in which the church is structured simply do not relate to ordinary “working-class” people.

This book however is also profoundly challenging. The authors, Mez McConnell and Mike McKinley, pull no punches about the gospel, and the need to talk straight with those on the margins. They are clear about the limits of membership and of church discipline. It would be very easy to say that they are not writing from an Anglican context, but this dodges the question of how far and how thoroughly I want to be an agent of God’s transforming power and the consequences for my daily ministry.

Altogether a superb book which deserves to be read widely and discussed by church leaders, whatever their background.





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